How to Find Your Passion

How to Find Your Passion

Everyone has a passion, whether they know it or not. They're a part of what makes life meaningful, and, like having a compass in the middle of a stormy sea, can help center us during the ups and downs we will all inevitably experience. Unfortunately, like old friends that seemed to fade into the background of our lives, many of us lose touch with our passions as we get older. Right here, right now is an opportunity to dig deep and rediscover that thing that always made you smile, as a child. What you truly loved to do. Your passion.

1. What did you like to do as a kid? Children do what makes them happy, regardless of societal pressures, or money. When you're seven, you don't know to wonder whether painting will earn a decent income, or get you  health insurance. You just know that you love it. If you can't remember what you did as a child, ask someone who knew you at that age (parent, sibling, friend). That's likely your passion. I consider my own to be writing. And guess what? My mom still has boxes and boxes of "books" (folded pieces of printer paper that had about five words per page) in her attic. 

2. What makes you flow? Flow is a psychological term that means getting in the zone. We have all had moments where we have dived into a task, only to resurface hours later wondering where the time went. This is called going into a flow state, and is often achieved when we are doing something we love. Examples of activities that often induce "flow" include rock climbing, working out at the gym, singing, reading. Try to recall the last time you spent hours doing something for no reason except for that it made you happy.

3. Be honest with yourself. As we get older, we have a habit of judging our actions and thoughts. We label certain things as "childish" or "unproductive." The truth is, if something brings you genuine joy, then it is serving a fruitful purpose. Think about it. To live a happy life, you need to have a positive mindset. If making a puzzle for a few hours a week helps you de-stress, then it's time well spent. So, what do you really like to do, regardless of labels and monetary aspirations? 

4. Make a list. List activities that make you happy. Then, zero in on one or two passions. Passions are things you could do for hours a day, without getting bored. They are activities that make your life more meaningful--that provide a welcomed relief to a stressful week. Here is a list of common passions to help you out. If any of these resonate with you, then write them down.

-Learning languages


-Playing musical instruments








-Playing sports

Now that you've identified your passion, the next step is making an effort to incorporate it into your life, which is the subject of an upcoming post.

What's your passion? Comment below. Declaring what you love to do is often the first step toward making it part of your life's narrative. 

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