How to Make 2019 the Best Year Yet

How to Make 2019 the Best Year Yet

We're all different. We come from different cultures, backgrounds, households, towns. No two people are alike--we're overwhelmingly unique. Yet, a thread runs through all of us, connecting all people like beads in a beautiful, peculiar necklace. We all have goals--dreams, or even areas of our lives that need improvement. January is the perfect time to sit down with ourselves, and have an honest conversation. Where did we go right in 2018? Where did we go wrong? How can we be better in 2019? If we're not growing, we're declining, so this year, let's burst toward the stars. In 2019, let's be rockets.

1. Think big. Where do you want to be in 5 years? Any large life change or big goal takes time. Do you want to be a published author? Do you want to have made a huge career shift? Do you want to have reached a coveted promotion? Do you want to turn one of your passions into a business? Let's call this your "dream goal." See this post about turning passions into possibilities, and this one about following your dreams for inspiration.

2. Write it out. Research shows that you are much more likely to complete goals if you have written them down. Jot that big picture goal down somewhere visible, a place that you will regularly see it.

3. Break it down. In order to arrive at your big-picture goal, there are likely several steps you need to get there. Let's call these your "stepping stones." Write down 3-5 stepping stones that you will have to accomplish this year to make your dream goal a reality. If your objective is to become a published author, your stepping stones might look like this: 1. Read 10 books in the genre I want to write in. 2. Outline my novel. 3. Write 80,000 words. 4. Spend 2 months editing.

4. Make a "Dream Track." You can do this on your computer (using Canva, Powerpoint, Word), or with printer paper and markers. Write your dream goal at the end of your page, then write the stepping stones you'll have to take to get there. Next to those stepping stones, assign realistic timelines. For example, if your goal is to write a novel this year, maybe you will strive to read those 10 books by Feb 1, and have the outline done by April. 

5. Prepare inspiration. Striving toward any goal is hard. Of course it is. There's a reason why not everyone is a bestselling author, top student, or successful business owner. It takes passion, and resiliency. Still, even the strongest amongst us will get discouraged. That's why you need to have inspiration ready. You have this blog, but you should also prepare some motivation that is specific to you and your goals. Prepare two things: an inspiration board, and a "list of motives." The inspiration board can be a document full of pictures that describe your dream. If you want to be an author, maybe that includes pictures of famous authors' books, or authors at conferences. According to Drake's manager, he carried a picture of a huge house in his pocket every day when he was just starting out as inspiration. Guess what? Years later, he bought that house in LA. The exact same one. Whether you carry it in your pocket, paste it on your wall, or keep it in the back of your home screen, always keep images that inspire you close by. A "list of motives" is a list of reasons why you are pursuing your specific dream. If you want to be a singer, maybe you'll write "because it makes me happy," "because I can't imagine myself doing anything else," "because one day I want to hear myself on the radio." Keep the list close too. When you get discouraged, reading the list should remind you of your purpose--and your passion.

6. Keep yourself accountable. If you have done everything on this list, then congratulations! You are serious about pursuing your dreams in the new year. Let's make sure you don't fall off the wagon. Here are some ways you can make sure to stay on the path to your goals: set reminders on your phone. Maybe have one go off each week that will remind you to do something toward your dream. Maybe invest in a table planner, and write in reminders there. And, of course, keep checking Aster Way. We'll be posting reminders and tips on how to make sure you don't give up on your aspirations. Sign up for our newsletter for bite-sized motivation that will always fit into your busy schedule.

2019 will be the best year yet. #BYY (Best Year Yet)

How are you going to make this year your BYY? We'd love to know.

Have friends with big dreams? Share the good vibes below, and start the year off with good karma.

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