A Guide to Following Your Dreams
We often have aspirations that we are afraid to pursue. As we get older, we push those dreams into drawers, and label them "unattainable" or "silly," and often ridicule ourselves for thinking we could accomplish such lofty goals. I've done the same thing, over and over again. But I'm done. What is life without risks? Without giving your best shot at the dreams you've harbored for years? Giving up is like poking holes into your own sailboat, watching it drown out of your own volition, self-sabotaging for the sake of saving yourself from inevitable heartbreak. If you had a child, would you keep them from walking, just because there is a high chance that one day they will fall? Would you tell a friend not to apply to their dream job because they could be rejected? Of course not. So why do we so often tell ourselves that we are not worthy, and why are we so afraid to fall? We all know that accomplishing anything meaningful means endless rejection. But truly, if it was easy, following your dreams would not be the muse for movies, songs, and glorious mythical tales. So this year, 2018, let's go for it.
Let's shrug off fears like they are thick coats weighing us down, let's run toward the ocean, and swim to the moon like it's the dream we've dreamt for years. Let's grit our teeth, and allow rejection to slip off of us like rain, and we're water-proof--because we all know that after a storm, the sun comes out.
What are the dreams you're tackling in 2018? Inspire us all by commenting below.